Бревенчатый дом или дом из бруса?_EN

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Log house or house from timber?

Prices for houses from round log which are a little higher than prices for houses from cylindered timber are usually in great demand in Krasnoyarsk. This is due to the beauty of house or bath house which are built using framings from round log.

If you don’t know which variant to choose, we will tell you about these materials:

  • Framings from round log are subject to shrinkage as well as houses from round log in Krasnoyarsk. That’s why after building is over it is recommended to wait one year before decorating inside the house. But there is an opinion which says that houses from cylindered timber take their final form and shape faster.
  • Houses made of timber crack less if to compare with houses made of round log. You can learn the prices in details from “Wooden houses of Siberia” company in Krasnoyarsk.
  • Timber houses are warmer than log houses.
  • As timber is a light material, building a house from it takes less resources, for example there is no need to lay solid foundation or to strengthen walls.
  • Yet, framing from round log doesn’t need any decoration outside. The price is comparable with high quality of used materials by our company. In reverse, a house made of timber needs shingling or lining, what directly increases the final house price.

Wooden houses for any taste

Every person has his own picture of country house or bath house in his mind. Somebody needs, for example, real Russian bath house which looks properly and beneficially influences to an organism, making it healthier and younger. In this case houses from round log would be perfect variant. All prices for building bath houses are given on our site. You can buy ready framing of bath house. For other people the main thing could be financial benefit, they would prefer private house made of timber. Third ones, in reverse, could wish to build on their land some cabin from fairytale. Framing from round log, whose price is a little higher than houses from timber price, will help you to recover the dream of your childhood. “Wooden houses of Siberia” company has been building wooden structures for more than 10 years. The company offers you houses and bath houses from round log, whose prices are optimal to the high quality of work and materials.